Chlorine-37 — Full table General Name, symbol Chlorine 37,37Cl Neutrons 20 Protons 17 … Wikipedia
Chlorine-36 — Full table General Name, symbol Chlorine 36,36Cl Neutrons 19 Protons 17 … Wikipedia
Chlorine — Chlo rine, n. [Gr. ? pale green, greenish yellow. So named from its color. See {Yellow}.] (Chem.) One of the elementary substances, commonly isolated as a greenish yellow gas, two and one half times as heavy as air, of an intensely disagreeable… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chlorine — (Chem.), so v. w. Chlor … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Chlorīne — Chlorīne, veralteter Name des Chlors; s. auch Resorcin … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
chlorine — nonmetallic element, coined 1810 by English chemist Sir Humphry Davy (1778 1829) from Gk. khloros pale green (see CHLOE (Cf. Chloe)) + chemical suffix INE (Cf. ine) (2). Named for its color. Discovered 1774, but known at first as oxymuriatic acid … Etymology dictionary
chlorine — ► NOUN ▪ a poisonous, irritant, pale green gaseous chemical element. ORIGIN from Greek khl ros green … English terms dictionary
chlorine — [klôr′ēn΄, klôr′in] n. [< Gr chlōros, pale green (< IE * ghlō , var. of base * ghel : see YELLOW) + INE3: so named (1810) by DAVY Sir Humphry, who proved it to be an element, for its color] a greenish yellow, poisonous, gaseous chemical… … English World dictionary
Chlorine — This article is about the chemical element. For the bleach, see Sodium hypochlorite. For the upcoming film, see Chlorine (film). sulfur ← chlorine → argon F ↑ Cl ↓ Br … Wikipedia
chlorine — chlorinous, adj. /klawr een, in, klohr /, n. a halogen element, a heavy, greenish yellow, incombustible, water soluble, poisonous gas that is highly irritating to the respiratory organs, obtained chiefly by electrolysis of sodium chloride brine:… … Universalium