- rutherfordium
- rutherfordiumSymbol: Rf Competing name for unnilquadium, the 104th element, proposed by the American Chemical Society.
Elements of periodic system. 2013.
Elements of periodic system. 2013.
Rutherfordium — (pronEng|ˌrʌðɚˈfɔrdiəm) is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Rf and atomic number 104. This is a radioactive synthetic element whose most stable known isotope is 267Rf with a half life of approximately 1.3 hours.… … Wikipedia
Rutherfordium — Lawrencium ← Rutherfordium → Dubnium Hf … Wikipédia en Français
rutherfordium — ● rutherfordium nom masculin (de Rutherford, nom propre) Élément chimique artificiel (Rf), de numéro atomique 104 et de masse atomique 261,1089. rutherfordium [ʀytœʀfɔʀdjɔm] n. m. ÉTYM. 1970, la Recherche, no 3, p. 268; mot angl. des États Unis,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
rutherfordium — [ruth΄ər för′dē əm, ruth΄ər för′dē əm] n. [ModL, after Ernest RUTHERFORD Ernest + IUM] a radioactive chemical element with a very short half life: a transactinide produced by bombarding californium or plutonium with high energy nuclear particles … English World dictionary
Rutherfordium — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
rutherfordium — kurchatovium kurchatovium n. [From Igor Kurchatov, a Russian scientist who worked on the atomic bomb.] A transuranic element of atomic number 104, symbol Ku; also called {rutherfordium}, symbol Rf. It is produced in very small quantities by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rutherfordium — kurchatovium kurchatovium n. [From Igor Kurchatov, a Russian scientist who worked on the atomic bomb.] A transuranic element of atomic number 104, symbol Ku; also called {rutherfordium}, symbol Rf. It is produced in very small quantities by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rutherfordium — rezerfordis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. rutherfordium vok. Rutherfordium, n rus. резерфордий, m pranc. rutherfordium, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
rutherfordium — rezerfordis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. rutherfordium vok. Rutherfordium, n rus. резерфордий, m pranc. rutherfordium, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
rutherfordium — /rudh euhr fawr dee euhm, fohr /, n. Chem. unnilquadium. [1969; named in honor of E. RUTHERFORD; see IUM] * * * ▪ chemical element an artificially produced radioactive transuranium element in Group IVb of the periodic table, atomic number 104.… … Universalium